Technical Acronyms (Aviation)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z V-Table

AAE     Above Airport Elevation
AAFIF	Automated Air Facilities Information File
ABM     Abeam
ABN     Abnormal
ABNORM  Abnormal
ABS     Absolute
AC      Alternating Current / Advisory Circular
ACAS    Airborne Collision Avoidance System
ACMP    Alternating Current Motor Pump
A/C     Air Conditioning / Aircraft
ACARS   ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System
ACCEL   Acceleration, Accelerate
ACFT    Aircraft
ACMP    Alternating Current Motor Pump/Electric Hydraulic Pump
ACMS    Aircraft Condition and Monitoring System
ACP     Audio Control Panel
ACPT    Accept
ACRU    Air Conditioning Refrigeration Unit
ACT     Active / Activate
ACU     Antenna Coupler Unit
AD      Airworthiness Directive
ADC     Air Data Computer
ADF     Automatic Direction Finder
ADG     Air Driven Generator
ADI     Attitude Director Indicator
ADIRS   Air Data Inertial Reference System
ADIRU   Air Data Inertial Reference Unit
ADJ     Adjusted / Adjustment
ADM     Air Data Module
ADP     Air Driven Pump/Air Driven Demand Hydraulic Pump
ADR     Air Data Reference
ADRG	ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
ADRS    Address ADJ     Adjusted / Adjustment
ADU     Air Data Unit
ADV     Advisory / Advance / Advanced
AFCS    Avionic Flight Control System
AFDS    Autopilot Flight Director System
AFE     Above Field Elevation
AFM     Airplane Flight Manual
AFS     Auto Flight System / Auto Flight Simulator
AFTN    Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network
A/G     Air/Ground
AGL     Above Ground Level
AIAA    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIDS    Aircraft Integrated Data System
AIL     Aileron / Autopilot Interlock
AIP     Aeronautical Information Publication
AIREP   Air Report
AIRMET  weather advisory service
AIU     Audio Interface Unit
AL      Alert
ALPA    Air Line Pilots Association
ALPHA   Angle of Attack for a specific configuration
ALRT    Alert
ALS     Auto Throttle Limit Switch
ALT     Altitude
ALT HOLD        Altitude Hold
ALTM    Altimeter
ALTN    Alternate
ALT/S   Altitude Select
ALW     Allowable Landing Weight
AM      Amplitude Modulation
AMB     Ambient
AMBG    Ambiguity
AMP(s)  Amperes
AMR     Auto/Manual/Remote
AMU     Audio Management Unit
AND (A.N.D.)    Aircraft Nose Down
ANNUNC  Annunciator
ANT     Antenna
ANU (A.N.U.)    Aircraft Nose Up
AOA     Angle of Attack
AP (A/P)        Auto-Pilot
APB     Auxiliary Power Breaker
APD     Approach Progress Display
APFD(S) Autopilot Flight Director (System)
APL     Airplane
APP     Approach
APPR    Approach
APPROX  Approximately
APPU    Asymmetry Position Pick-off Unit
APT     Airport
APU     Auxiliary Power Unit
APX     Appendix
AQP     Advanced Qualifications Program
ARFF    Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
ARINC   Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
ARND    Around
ARPT    Airport
ARRVL   Arrival
ARSA	Airspace Radar Service Area
ARSR    Air route surveillance radar
ARTCC   Air Route Traffic Control Center
AS      Airspeed / Altitude Mode Switch Monitor
A/S     Airspeed
ASA     Auto Land Status Annunciator
ASI     Air Speed Indicator
ASMD    Assumed
ASP     Audio Selector Panel
ASAP    As Soon As Possible
ASR     Airport Surveillance Radar
ASRS    Aviation Safety Reporting System
ASSY    Assembly
ASTP    Advanced Simulation Training Program
ASYM    Asymetrical / Asymmetry
A/S     Airspeed
A/SKID  Anti Skid
A/T     Auto Throttle
ATA     Actual Time of Arrival / Air Transport Association
ATC     Air Traffic Control
ATCRBS  ATC radar beacon system
ATC/DABS        Air Traffic Control/Discrete Address Beacon System
ATE     Automatic Test Equipment
A/THR   Auto Thrust Function
ATIS    Automatic Terminal Information Service
ATS     Auto Thrust System / Auto Throttle System
ATT     Attitude
ATTND   Attendant
AUG     Augmentation
AUTO    Automatic
AUX     Auxiliary
A/V     Auto-Visual
AVAIL   Available
AVG     Average
AVM     Airborne Vibration Monitor
AVS     Audio Visual System
AWOS    Automated Weather Observation System
AWY     Airway
AZ      Vertical Acceleration
AZIM    Azimuth
AzMKR   Azimuth Marker
&       And

BAL     Balance
BARO    Barometric
BAT     Battery
BB      Broadband
B/B     Back Beam
BC      Back Course
B/C     Business Class
BCDS    Bite Centralized Data System
BCK     Back
BCL     Battery Charge Limiter
BCN     Beacon
B/CRS (B CRS)   Back Course
BCU     Bus Control Unit
BEV     Beverage
BF      Boarded Fuel
BFE     Buyer Furnished Equipment
BFO     Beat Frequency Oscillator
BIT     Built In Test
BITE    Built In Test Equipment
BIU     Bite Interface Unit
BK      Brake
BKGRD   Background
BKR     Breaker (Circuit Breaker)
BKS     Brakes
BLD     Bleed
BLK     Block
BMC     Bleed Air Monitoring Computer
BMV     Brake Metering Valve
BNR     Binary
BOD     Bottom of Descent
BPCU    Bus Power Control Unit
BPM     Backup Power Module
BRF     Briefing
BRG     Bearing
BRK     Brake
BRKNG   Breaking
BRKR    Breaker
BRT     Bright
BS      British Standard
BSCU    Brake System Control Unit
BAY     Busy
BTB     Bus Tie Breaker
BTC     Bus Tie Contactor
BTL     Bottle
BTR     Bus Tie Relay
BTU     British Thermal Unit
B/U     Backup
BUF     Buffet (as in buffet speed)
BUS     Bus Bar

C       Center
CAP     Capture
CAPT    Captain
CAS     Calibrated Airspeed
CAT     Clear air turbulence
CB,C/B       Circuit Breaker
CBMS    Circuit Breaker Monitoring System
CCA     Central Control Actuator
CCW     Counterclockwise
CDL     Configuration Deviation list
CDU     Control Display Unit
CFDIU   Centralized Fault Data Interface Unit
CFDS    Centralized Fault Display System
CFM     Cubic Feet Per Minute
CG      Center Of Gravity
CHAN    Channel
CHG     Change
CHR     Chronograph
CHRGR   Charger
CIDS    Cabin Intercommunication Data System
CIS     Cabin Interphone System
CK      Check
CKT     Circuit
CLB     Climb
C / L   Check List
CL      Close
CLB     Climb
CLK     Clock
CLR     Clear
CLSD    Closed
CMD     Command
CMPTR   Computer
CNX     Cancelled
CO      Company
COMM    Communication
COMP    Compressor
COMP    Compartment
CON     Continuous
COND    Condition
CONF    Configuration
CONFIG  Configuration
CONN    Connection
CONT    Control / Continuous
CORR    Correction
CO RTE  Company Route
CP      Control Panel
CPCS    Cabin Pressure Control  System
CPCU    Cabin Pressure Controller Unit
CRC     Continuous Repetitive Chime
CRG     Cargo
CRS     Course
CRT     Cathode Ray Tube
CRZ     Cruise
CSCU    Cargo Smoke Control Unit
CSD     Constant Speed Drive
CSEU    Control System Electronic Unit
CSM/G   Constant Speed Motor/Generator
CSTR    Constraint
CTA	Control Area
CTL PNL Control Panel
CTR     Contour / Center
CU      Control Unit
CVR     Cockpit Voice Recorder
CVRDA   Cockpit Voice Recorder
CW      Clockwise
CWS     Control Wheel Steering

DA      Drift Angle
DAFIF	Digital Aeronautical Feature Information File
DAR     Digital AIDS Recorder
DC      Direct Current
DCV     Directional Control Valve
DDRMI   Digital distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator
DECEL   Decelerate
DECR    Decrease
DED     Dedicated
DEG     Degree
DEM     Demand
DEPR    Depressurize
DEPT    Departure
DER     Designated Engineering Representative
DES     Descent
DEST    Destination
DET     Detector
DETD	Digital Terrain Elevation Data
DFA     Delayed Flap Approach
DEV     Deviation
DFDAU   Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit
DFDR    Digital Flight Data Recorder
DH      Decision Height
DIFF    Differential
DIR     Direct / Direction
DIR TO  Direct To
DISC    Disconnect
DISCH   Discharge
DISCONT Discontinued
DISP    Dispatch
DIST    Distance
DITS    Digital Information Transfer System
DK      Deck
DMC     Display Management Computer
DME     Distance Measuring Equipment
DMU     Data Management Unit (Aids)
DN      Down
DNTKFX  Down Track Fix
DR      Dead reckoning / Door
DSDL    Dedicated Serial Data Link
DSPL    Display
DTG     Distance To Go
DU      Display Unit

E       East
EADI    Electronic Attitude Director Indicator
EAS     Equivalent Airspeed
EBU     Engine Build-Up
ECAM    Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring Computer / Electronic Control and Maintenance display
ECAS    Engine Condition and Monitoring System
ECB     Electronic Control Box (APU)
ECM     Engine Condition Monitoring
ECON    Economic
ECHUM	Electronic Chart Updating Maunal
ECP     ECAM Control Panel
ECS     Environmental Control System
ECU     Engine Control Unit
E/D     End of Descent
EDP     Engine Driven Pump / Engine Primary Hydraulic Pump
E/E     Electrical / Electronic
EEC     Electronic Engine Control
EEL     Emergency Exit Lights / Emergency Escape Path Lighting
EET     Estimated Elapsed Time
EFC     Expect Further Clearance
EFCS    Electronic Flight Control System
EFI     Electronic Flight Instruments
EFIS    Electronic Flight Instrument System
EFOB    Estimated Fuel On Board
EGT     Exhaust Gas Temperature
EHA     Electro-hydraulic Actuator
EHF     Extremely high frequency
EHSI    Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator
EICAS   Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System
EIS     Electronic Instruments System
EIU     Engine Interface Unit
EL      Elevator
ELAC    Elevator Aileron Computer ELCU    Electrical Load Control Unit
ELEC    Electrical / Electrics
ELEV    Elevator
ELF     Extremely low frequency
ELMS    Electrical Load Management System
ELT	Emergency Location Transmitter
ELV     Elevation
EMA     Electro-mechanical Actuator
EMER    Emergency
EMER GEN        Emergency Generator
EMA     Electro-mechanical Actuator
EMI     Electro-Magnetic Interference
EMP     Electric Motor Pump
ENG     Engine
ENRT    Enroute
ENT     Enter
ENTMT   Entertainment
ENTR    Enter
EO, E/O Engine Out
EPE     Estimated Position Error
EPI     Elevator Position Indicator
EPR     Engine Pressure Ratio
EPRL    EPR Limit
EQPT    Equipment
EQUIV   Equivalent
ER      Extended Range
EROPS   Extended Range Operations
ERR     Error
ESS     Essential
EST     Estimated
ET      Elapsed Time
ETA     Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE     Estimated Time en Route
ETOPS   Extended-Range Twin Engine Operations
ETP     Equal Time Point
ETT     Estimated Takeoff Time
EVAC    Evacuation
EVMU    Engine Vibration Monitoring Unit
E/WD    Engine / Warning Display
EXCD    Exceedances
EXEC    Execute
EXH     Exhaust
EXPED   Expedite
EXT     Extended / Extension / Exterior / External
EXTEN   Extension
EXT PWR         External Power

F/A     Flight Attendant
FAA     Federal Aviation Administration
FAC     Flight Augmentation Computer
FACTR   Factor
FADEC   Full Authority Digital Engine Control System
FAF     Final Approach Fix
FAR     Federal Aviation Regulation
FAV     Fan Air Valve
FBW     Fly-by-wire.
F/C     Flight Crew/ First Class
FCC     Flight Control Computer / Federal Communications Commission
FCDC    Flight Control Data Concentrator
FCST    Forecast
FCU     Flight Control Unit
FD, F/D Flight Director
FDAU    Flight Data Acquisition Unit
FDIU    Flight Data Interface Unit
FDR     Flight Data Recorder
FDU     Fire Detection Unit
FE      Flight Engineer
FF, F/F Fuel Flow
FFRATS  Full Flight Regime Auto Throttle System
FG      Flight Guidance
FGC     Flight Guidance Computer
FGS     Flight Guidance System
FH      Flight Handbook
FIDDS   Fault Isolation and Detection Display System
FIDS    Fault Isolation and Detection System
FLIP	Flight Information Publication
FILT    Filter
FIR	Flight Information Region
FIRM    Fault Isolation Reporting Manual
FL      Flight Level
FLCH, FL CH     Flight Level Change
FLIFO   Flight Information
FLP     Flap
FLT     Flight
FLT CLT Flight Control
FM      Flight Management / Frequency modulation
FMA     Flight Mode Annunciator
FMC     Flight Management Computer
FMCS    Flight Management Computer System
FMECA   Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis
FMGC    Flight Management Guidance Computer
FMGS    Flight Management Guidance System
FMS     Flight Management System
FMU     Fuel Metering Unit
FO      Flyover
F/O     First Officer
FOB     Fuel on Board
FOD     Foreign Object Damage
FOG     Fiber Optics Gyro
FOM     Flight Operations Manual
FOTM    Flight Operations Training Manual
F-PLN   Flight Plan
FPA     Flight Path Angle
FPL     Flight Plan
FPM     Feet Per Minute
FPPU    Feed-Back Position Pick-Off Unit
FPS     Flight Per Second
FPT     Flight Plan Time
FPV     Flight Path Vector
FQ      Fuel Quantity
FQI / FQU       Fuel Quantity Indication / Unit
FR      From
FREQ    Frequency
FRM     Fault Reporting Manual
FRT     Front
FRV     Fuel Return Valve
FS      Flight Safety / Fast Slew
F/S     Fast/Slow (indicator)
FSEU    Flap/Slat Electronic Unit
FSF     Flight Safety Foundation
FSS     Flight Service Station
FT      Foot Feet.
FTA     Fault Tree Analysis
FTM     Flight Training Manual
FT/MN   Feet per Minute
FU      Fuel Used
FWD     Forward
FWC     Flight Warning Computer
FWS     Flight Warning System

G       Gravity (G-Force) / Gyro (flag on ADI)
G/A     Go Around
GA      Go Around
GB      Generator Breaker
GCA     Ground Controlled Approach
GCR     Generator Control Relay
GCU     Generator Control Unit
GE      General Electric
GEN     Generator
GFR     Generator Field Relay
GLC     Generator Line Contractor
GLY     Galley
GMT     Greenwich Mean Time
GNC	Global Navigation Chart
GND     Ground
GP      General Purpose
GPCU    Ground Power Control Unit
GPH     Gallons Per Hour
GPM     Gallons Per Minute
GPS     Global Positioning System (Navstar)
GPU     Ground Power Unit
GPWS    Ground Proximity Warning System
GR      Gear / Generator Relay
GRAC	Ground Reference Air Chart
GRD     Ground
GRND    Ground
GRP     Geographic Reference Point
GRVTY   Gravity
GS      Ground Speed
G/S     Glide Slope
GSE     Ground support equipment
GTOW    Gross Takeoff Weight
GW      Gross Weight

H       Hour, Hot
HA      Halon fire extinguisher
HCU     Hydraulic Control Unit
HDBK    Handbook
HDG     Heading
HDG/S   Heading Selected
HDL     Handle
HDWD    Headwind
HF      High Frequency (j)
HG      Heading
HI      High
HIRF    High Intensity Radiated Field
HLD     Hold / Holding
HMG     Hydraulic Motor Generator
HMU     Hydro-Mechanical Unit
HOL     High-Order Language
HOT     High Oil Temperature
HP      High Pressure
HPA     Hectopascals
HPV     High Pressure Valve
HR      Hour
HSI     Horizontal Situation Indicator
HT      Height / Heat
HTR     Heater
HUD     Head Up Display
HUMID   Humidifier
H/Wind  Headwind
HYD     Hydraulics
HZ      Hertz (cycles per second in alternating current)

IAF     Initial Approach Fix
IAS     Indicated Airspeed
IATA    International Air Transport Association
IAW     In Accordance With
I/C     Inspection/Check
ICAO    International Civil Aviation Organization
ICU     Instrument Comparator Unit / Indicator Control Unit
IDENT   Identification
IDG     Integrated Drive Generator
IDS     Integrated Display System
IDU     Interactive Display Unit
I.E.    That Is
IFE     In Flight Entertainment System
IFR     Instrument Flight Rules
IGN     Ignition
ILLUM   Illuminate / Illuminated
ILS     Instrument Landing System
IMBAL   Imbalance
IMC     Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IMM     Immediate
IMP     Imperial
IN      Inches
INB     Inbound
INBD    Inboard
INBO    Inboard
INBRD   Inboard
INC     Incorporated
INCR    Increase
INCREM  Increment
IND     Indicator
INFLT   In Flight
INHB    Inhibit
INIT    Initialization / Initialize
INOP    Inoperative
INPH    Interphone
INR     Inner
INS     Inertial Reference System  (J)
INST    Instrument
INSTR   Instrument
INT     Interphone / Initialization / Intensity
INTC    Intercept
INTCP   Intercept
INTPH   Interphone
INV     Inverter
I/O     Input/Output
IOE     Initial Operating Experience
IP      Intermediate Pressure/Input/Intercept Profile/Initial Point
IPC     Intermediate Pressure Check valve
IPPU    Instrumentation Position Pick-off Unit
IR      Infrared / Infrared Radiation
IRS     Inertial Reference System
IRU     Inertial Reference Unit
ISA     International Standard Atmosphere
ISB     Inter-System Bus
ISDU    Inertial Sensor Display Unit
ISLN    Isolation
ISOL    Isolate / Isolated / Isolation (valve)
IVSI    Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator
IV&V    Independent Validation and Verification

JAR     Joint Aviation Regulations
JEPP    Jeppeson
JETT    Jettison
JNC	Jet Navigation Chart
JOG	Joint Operations Group
JP(4), (5)      Military Jet Fuel

K,KT,KTS        Knots
KEAS    Knots Equivalent Airspeed
KG      Kilograms
KHZ     Kilohertz
KIAS    Knots Indicated Airspeed
KIFIS   Kollsman Integrated Flight Instrument System
KIAS    Knots Indicated Airspeed
KT      Knot
KTAS    Knots True Airspeed
KVA     Kilovolt-Ampere
KVAR    Kilovolt-Ampere Reactive
KW      Kilowatt

L       Left
LAF     Load Alleviation Function
LAND    Auto Land mode annunciation
LAT     Latitude, Lateral
LAT REV Lateral Revision
LAV     Lavatory
LB      Pound / Left Bank
LCA     Line Check Airman
LCD     Liquid Crystal Display
LCN     Load Classification Number
LD      Load; a unitized cargo loading container, (ie: LD-3)
LDA     Localizer type approach
LDG     Landing
LDG GR  Landing Gear
LDOC    Long Distance Operational Control
LE      Leading Edge
LEC     Lecture
LED     Light Emitting Diode
LF      Low Frequency / Left Front
LFT     Left
LG, L/G Landing Gear
LGCIU   Landing Gear Control Interface Unit
LGPIU   Landing Gear Position Indicating Unit
LGT     Light
LGW     Landing Gross Weight
LH      Left Hand
LIM     Limit / Limitation
LIS     Localizer Inertial Smoothing
LK      Lock
LKD     Locked
LL      Latitude / longitude
LLG     Lower Lobe Galley
LLS, LLSK       Left Line Select Key
LLWAS   Low Level Wind Shear
LM      Low Minimums
LMM     Locator Middle Marker
LMR     Load Monitor Relay
L NAV, LNAV     Lateral Navigation
LNDG    Landing
LO      Low
LOC     Localizer
LOFT    Line Oriented Flight Training
LOGO    Logographic
LOM     Locator Outer Marker
LONG    Longitude
LOP     Line Of Position / Low Oil Pressure
LORAN   Long Range Navigation
LOS     Loss of Signal / Line Oriented Simulation
LN      Left Nose
LP      Low Pressure
LPM     Liter Per Minute
LR      Left Rear
LRC     Long Range Cruise
LRRA    Low Range Radio Altimeter
LRU     Line Replaceable Unit
LS      Line Select
L&S     Limits and Specifications
LSB     Lower Side Band
LSK     Line Select Key
LSP     Limit Select Panel
LSU     Lavatory Service Unit
LT      Light / Left
LVL     Level
LVL/CH  Level Change
LW      Left Wing / Landing Weight
LWD     Left Wing Down
LWR     Lower

M       Mach / Machine / Meter / Magenta
MAC     Mean Aerodynamic Chord / Military Airlift Command
M.A.C.  Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MAG     Magnetic
MAG DEC Magnetic Declination
MAG VAR Magnetic Variation
MAINT   Maintenance
MALF    Malfunction
MAN     Manual / Manifold
MANFLD  Manifold
MAP     Missed Approach Point
M/AS, MAS       Mach Airspeed
MASI    Mach Airspeed Indicator
MAX     Maximum
MAX CLB Maximum Climb
MAX DES Maximum Descent
MAX END Maximum endurance
MB      Millibar
MCA     Minimum Crossing Altitude
MCDP    Maintenance Control and Display Panel
MCDU    Multifunction Control and Display Unit
MCP     Mode Control Panel
MCT     Maximum Continuous Thrust
MCU     Modular Concept Unit
MCW     Maximum Cruise Weight
MDA     Minimum Descent Altitude
MDH     Minimum Descent Height
MDLF    Minimum Desired Landing Fuel
MEA     Minimum Enroute Altitude
MEC     Main Engine Control
MECH    Mechanic / Mechanical
MED     Medium
MEL     Minimum Equipment List
MEM     Memory
MESC    Mid Electronic Service Center
MEW     Manufacturers Empty Weight
MF      Medium Frequency
MFA     Memorized Fault Annunciator
MGMT    Management
MGT     Management
MHZ     Megahertz
MI      Miles
MIC     Microphone
MID     Middle
MIKE    Microphone
MIN     Minimum
MISC    Miscellaneous
MKR     Marker / Range Marks
MLG     Main Landing Gear
MLS     Microwave Landing System
MLW     Maximum Landing Weight
MM      Middle Marker
MMEL    Master Minimum Equipment List
MMO     Maximum Mach Operating Speed
MN      Main / Mach Number / Minute
MOCA    Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
MOD     Module / Modification
MOM     Momentary Contact
MON     Monitor
MONITR  Monitor
MORA	Minimum Off Route Altitude
MPH     Miles Per Hour
MPM     Miles Per Minute
MRA     Minimum Reception Altitude
MRC     Maximum Range Cruise
MRIU    Maintenance and Recording Interface Unit
MRM     Maintenance Reporting Manual
MSA     Minimum Safe Altitude
MSG     Message
MSL     Mean Sea Level
MSU     Mode Select Unit
M-SPD   Manual Speed
MSU     Mode Selector Unit
MTBF    Mean Time Between Failure
MTCE    Maintenance
MTG     Miles To Go
MTNCE   Maintenance
MTOGW   Maximum Takeoff Gross Weight
MTOW    Maximum Takeoff Weight
MTRS    Meters
MTW     Maximum Taxi Weight
MU      Management Unit
MUX     Multiplexer / Multiplex
MZ      Melt Zone (Fuse Plug)
MZFW    Maximum Zero Fuel Weight

N       North / Nose / Normal
N       APU or Engine RPM (%)
N1      Low Pressure Compressor
N2      High / Intermediate Pressure Compressor
N3      High Pressure Compressor
N/A, (NA)       Not Applicable
NAC     Nacelle
NACA    National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
NAI     Nacelle Anti Ice
NAM     Nautical Air Miles
NASA    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAV     Navigation
NAVAID  Navigation Aid
NB      Non-directional Radio Beacon
ND      Navigation Display
NDB     Non-directional Radio Beacon / Nav Database
NEG     Negative
NEUT    Neutral
NEG     Negative
NFO     Non Fly Over
NGM     Nautical Ground Miles
NLG     Nose Landing Gear
NM      Nautical Mile
NO.     Number
NOCOM   No Communications
NORM    Normal
NoPT    No Procedure Turn
NORDO   No Radio
NORM    Normal
NOTAM   Notice to Airmen
NOZZ    Nozzle
NTSB    National Transportation Safety Board
NW      Nose Wheel
NWS     Nose Wheel Steering
NXT     Next

O2      Oxygen
OAT     Outside Air Temperature
OBRM    On Board Replacement Module
OBS     Observer
OCA     Oceanic Control Area / Obstacle Clearance Altitude
OEW     Operating Empty Weight
OFF/R   Off Reset
OFST    Offset
OGW     Operating Gross Weight
OHT     Overheat
OK      Okay
OM      Outer Marker
OMC     Observer Member of the Crew/Operation Navigation Chart
OMNI    Omnidirectional Navigation Radio
ONC	Operation Navigation Chart
ONS     Omega Navigation System
OP      Open / Operating
O/P     Output
OPM     Operating Performance Manual
OPORD	Operation Order
OPP     Opposite
OPR     Operate
OPRN    Operation
OPT     Optimum
ORIDE   Override
OUTB    Outbound
OUTBD, OUTBRD   Outboard
OUTR    Outer
OVBD    Overboard
OVHD    Overhead
OVHT, OH        Overheat
OVRD    Override
OVRDN   Overridden
OVSPD   Over Speed
OW, O/W Over Water
OWE     Operating Empty Weight
OXY,    Oxygen

P       Panel
PA      Passenger Address
PAC     Pilot at Controls / Pack (air-conditioning)
PACK    Air-conditioning Package
PAM     Pulse amplitude modulation
PAPR    Paper
PAR     Precision approach radar
PASS    Passenger
PAX     Passengers
PB      Pushbutton
PBE     Protective Breathing Equipment
PCA     Power Control Actuator
PCIP    Precipitation
PCU     Power Control Unit
P-DES   Profile Descent
PDI     Pictorial Deviation Indicator
PDS     Primary Diversion Station
PDU     Pilot Display Unit / Power Drive Unit
PED     Pedestal
PEND    Pendant
PE/PS   Passenger Entertainment/Passenger Service System
PERF    Performance
PERS    Personnel
PES     Passenger Entertainment System / Pitch Enhancement System
PF      Pilot Flying
PFC     Porous Friction Course Overlay (runway Surface)
PFCS    Primary Flight Control System
PFD     Primary Flight Display
PFM     Pulse frequency modulation / Pure Flipping Magic
PHC     Probe Heat Computer
PIC     Pilot In Command
PK      Park
PKS     Packs
PL      Payload
PLI     Pitch Limit Indicator
PLNG    Planning
PLS     Pitch Limit Symbol
PLT     Pilot
PM      Phase modulation / Afternoon
PMA     Permanent Magnet Alternator
PMC     Power Management Control
PMG     Permanent Magnet Generator
PMP     Pump
PMS     Performance Management System/Power Management System
PNEU    Pneumatic
PNF     Pilot Not Flying
PNL     Panel
PNR     Point of No Return
PO      Outside Air Pressure
POB     Pressure Off Brake
POD     Point of Descent
POI     Principal Operations Inspector
POS     Position / Positive
POVMC   Planned to Operate in Visual Meteorological Conditions
PPH     Pounds Per Hour
PPOS    Present Position
PPU     Position Pick-off Unit
PR      Pressure
PRED    Prediction
PRECIP  Precipitation
PRESS   Pressure
PREV    Previous
PRI     Primary
PRIM    Primary
PROB    Probable / Probably
PROC    Procedure / Procedural
PROC T  Procedure Turn
PROT    Protection
PROF    Profile
PROG    Progress
PROT    Protection
PROX    Proximity
P/RST   Push To Reset
PRT     Printer
PRV     Pressure Regulating Valve
P/S     Pitot/Static
PSI     Pounds Per Square Inch
PSIG    Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge
P-SPEED Profile Speed
PSS     Passenger Service system
PSU     Passenger Service Unit
PT      Point
PT2     Engine Inlet Pressure Sensing Probe
PTC     Pitch Trim Compensator
PTN     Procedure Turn
PTH     Path
PTR     Printer
PTT     Push To Talk
PTU     Power Transfer Unit
PVI     Para visual Indicator
PW      Pratt-Whitney
PWR     Power
%       Percent

QA      Quality Assurance
QAR     Quick Access Record
QC      Quick Change
QEC     Quick Engine Change
QFE     Local Station Barometric Pressure
QNE     Sea Level Standard Atmosphere Pressure
QNH     Sea Level Atmosphere Pressure
QT      Quart (US)
QTR     Quarter
QTY     Quantity

R       Right / Red / Reset
RA      Radio Altitude
RABS    Reverse Actuated Bleed System
RAD     Radial / Radio
RAM     Random Access Memory
RAT     Ram Air Turbine / Ram Air Temperature
RB      Right Bank
RBN     Radio beacon
RCA     Reaching Cruise Altitude
RCCB    Remote Control Circuit Breaker
RCD     Record
RCDR    Recorder
RCL     Recall
RCVD    Received
RCVR    Receiver
RDMI, RDDMI     Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator
REC     Recorder
RECIRC  Recirculate
REF     Reference
REFRIG  Refrigeration
REG     Regulator
REL     Release
REP     Representative / Repellant
REPLNT  Repellant
REQ     Required
REQUAL  Requalification
RES     Reserve
RESID   Residual
REST    Restriction
RESTR   Restriction
RESV    Reserve
RET     Retract / Recurrent Emergency Training / Return
RETD    Retarded
REV     Reverse
RF      Right Front / Refill / Radio Frequency
RFI     Radio Frequency Interference
RGS     Reference Ground Speed
RGT     Right
RH      Right Hand
R/I     Remove/Install
RLS     Release
RLSK    Right Line Select Key
RLY     Relay
RMI     Radio Magnetic Indicator
RMKS    Remarks
RMP     Radio Management Panel
RN      Right Nose
RNAV    Radio Navigation
RNG     Range
ROC     Rate of Climb
ROT     Rotation
RPM     Revolutions Per Minute
RPT     Report
RPTG    Reporting
RPU     Receiver Processor Unit
RQRD    Required
RQST    Request
RR      Right Rear
RST     Reset
RSV     Reserve
RSVR    Reservoir
RT      Receiver/Transmitter
R/T     Required Time of Arrival
RTCA    Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTE     Route/Route Data
RTN     Return
RTO     Rejected Takeoff
RUD     Rudder
RVR     Runway Visual Range
RVSR    Reverser
RW      Right Wing / Runway
R/W     Runway
RWD     Right Wing Down
RWY     Runway

S       South / Stern
SAE     Society of Automotive Engineers
SAF     Safety
SAI     Standby Attitude Indicator
SAR     Search And Rescue / Surveillance Approach Radar
SAS     Stability Augmentation System
SAT     Static Air Temperature
SATCOM  Satellite Communication
SC      Single Chime
S/C     Step Climb
SB      Service Bulletin
SCATANA Security Control of Air Traffic & Air Navigation Aids
SCHED   Schedule
SD      System Display
S/D     Step Descent
SDAC    System Data Acquisition Concentrator
SDCU    Smoke Detection Control Unit
SEC     SECOND / Secondary / Sector
SEC     Spoiler Elevator Computer (A320)
SEL     Select / Selector
SELCAL  Selective Call
SENS    Sensitivity
SERV, SVCE      Service
SETP    Society of Experimental Test Pilots
SFAR    Special Federal Aviation Regulation
SFCC    Slat Flap Control Computer
SFE     Seller Furnished Equipment
SG      Symbol Generator
SHF     Super High Frequency 3000 to 30,000mHz)
SIC     Second In Command
SID     Standard Instrument Departure
SIGMET  Significant Meteorological Advisory
SIM     Simulation / Simulator
SIS     Service Interphone System
SL      Sea level
SLCTD   Selected
SLCTR   Selector
SLO     Slow
SLST    Sea Level Static Thrust
SLT     Slat
SMART   Signal Monitoring and Retracting Technique system
SMK     Smoke
SNGL    Single
SNS     Standby Navigation System
S/O     Second Officer
SOP     Standard Operating Procedures
SOV     Shutoff Valve
SP      Speed / Space (spacebar) / Scratch Pad / Special Purpose
SPD     Speed
SPDBRK  Speed Brake
SPD LIM Speed Limit
SPLR    Spoiler
SQL     Squelch
SRA     Specific Range Air
SRD     Software Requirements Document
SRS     Speed Reference System
SS      Slow Slew
SSB     Single Side Band / Split System Breaker
STA     Station
STAB    Stabilizer
STAT    Status
STAT INV        Static Inverter
STAR    Standard Terminal Arrival Route
STB     Stabilization
STBY    Standby
STC     Sensitivity Time Control / Standard Type Certificate
STD     Standard
STG     Stage
STR     Steer / Steering / Stretch
STRG    Steering
STRUCT  Structural
STS     Status / System Status
SUP     Supply
SUPPL   Supplemental
SURF    Surface
SW      Switch
SWLT    Switch Light
SWTG    Switching
SY      System
SYN, SYNCH      Synchronize / Synchronization / Synchronized
SYNC    Synchronous / Synchronize
SYS     System
SYST    System, Synch

T       Turn / True / Total
TA      Traffic Advisory
TACAN   Tactical Air Navigation
TACH    Tachometer
TACT    Tactical
TAF     International Terminal or Alternate weather Forecast
TAI     Thermal Anti-Ice
TAS     True Airspeed
TAT     Total Air Temperature
TBD     To Be Determined
TBO	Time Between Overhaul
TC      Turbo Compressor
T/C     Top of Climb
TCA	Terminal Control Area
TCAS    Traffic Alert & Collision Avoidance System
TCC     Turbine Case Cooling
TCH     Threshold Crossing height
T/D     Top of Descent
TDWR    Terminal Doppler Weather Radar
TE      Trailing Edge
TEMP    Temperature
TFC     Traffic
TFR     Transfer
TGT     Target
TH      True Heading
T/HOLD  Throttle Hold
THR     Thrust
THR HOLD        Throttle Hold
THROT   Throttle
THRSH   Threshold
THRU    Through
THS     Trimable Horizontal Stabilizer
THSA    Trimable Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator
TK      Tank / Track Angle
TKE     Track Angle Error
TLA     Thrust Lever Angle
TLWD    Tailwind
TMA     Thrust Mode Annunciator/Terminal Area
TMC     Thrust Management Computer
TMPY    Temporary
TMR     Timer / Triple Modular Redundancy
TMS     Thrust Management System
TMSP    Thrust Mode Select Panel
TO, T/O Takeoff
TOC     Top Of Climb
TOGA, TO/GA     Takeoff/Go Around
TOGW    Takeoff Gross Weight
TOL     Tolerance
TONNES  Metric Ton
TOW     Takeoff Weight
T/P, TP Turn Point
TPC	Tactical Pilotage Chart
TPIS    Tire Pressure Indicating System
TRK     Trace
TR(S)   Transformer Rectifier
T/R     Thrust Reverser / Transmitter Receiver
TRANS   Transition / Transfer
TRANSP  Transponder
TROPO   Tropopause
TRK     Track
TRU     Transformer Rectifier Unit
TS, Ts  Standard Temperature
TT2     Engine Inlet Temperature
TTG     Time to Go
TTL     Total
TURB    Turbine / Turbulence
TURBL   Turbulence
TVOR    Terminal VOR
T/WIND  Tailwind
T/WX    Traffic and Weather Displayed simultaneously (TCAS)

U/D     Upper Deck
UFD     Unit Fault Data
UHF     Ultra High Frequency
UIR	Upper Information Region
ULB     Underwater Locator Beacon
UNLK    Unlock
UNLKD   Unlocked
UNPARLÕD        Unparalleled
UNSCHD  Unscheduled
UPGR    Upgrade
UPR     Upper
USB     Upper Side Band
UTC     Coordinated Universal Time
UTIL    Utility
UV      Ultraviolet radiation

V       Volt / Velocity or Speed
V1      Critical Engine Failure Speed
V2      Take Off Safety Speed
VAC     Volts Alternating Current
VAL     Valve
VAR     Variation
VASI    Vertical Approach Slope Indicator
V/B     Vertical Bearing
VBV     Variable bypass valve
VC      Variable Camber
VCR     Video Cassette Recorder
VDC     Volts Direct Current
VDP     Vertical Descent Point
VEF     Critical Engine Failure Speed
VEL     Velocity
VERT    Vertical
VFE     Maximum Velocity Flaps Extended
VFR     Visual Flight Rules
VFTO    Velocity Final Take-Off (Green Dot)
VG      Vertical Gyro
VHF     Very High Frequency
VHV     Very High Voltage
VIB     Vibration
VIGV    Variable Inlet Guide Vanes
VLF     Very Low Frequency
VLV     Valve
VM      Maneuvering Speed
VMC     Visual Meteorological Conditions
VMCG    Minimum Control Speed Ground
VMIN    Minimum Operating Speed
VMO     Maximum Operating Speed
V NAV, VNAV     Vertical Navigation
VOL     Volume
VOLMET  Meteorological information for aircraft in flight
VOLT    Voltage
VOR     VHF Omni Directional Range
VOT     VOR Test Facility
VOX     Voice
VR      Rotation Speed
VREF    Reference Speed
V/S     Vertical Speed
VSI     Vertical Speed Indicator
VSV     Variable Stator Vane
VSCF    Variable Speed - Constant Frequency
VTK     Vertical Track
VTO     Volumetric Top Off unit

W       White / West / Weight
WAI     Wing Anti Ice
WARN    Warning
WAY PT  Waypoint
WBC     Weight and Balance Computer
W/D     Wiring Diagram
WG      Wing
WGD     Windshield Guidance Display
WGT, WT Weight
WHC     Window Heat Computer
WHL     Wheel
WHLS    Wheels
WPT     Waypoint
WSHLD   Windshield
WT      Weight
WTB     Wing Tip Brake
WTNG    Waiting
WTR     Water
W/W     Wheel Well
WX      Weather
WXP     Weather Radar Precipitation Mode
WXR     Weather Radar
WXT     Weather Radar Turbulence Mode
WY PT   Way Point

X       Cross (combining prefix, e.g. X-feed)
X-BLD   Cross Bleed
X-FEED  Cross feed
XCVR    Transceiver
XFER    Transfer
XFR     Transfer
XMISSION        Transmission
XMIT    Transmit
XMTR    Transmitter
XPDR    Transponder
XPNDR   Transponder
XPECT   Expect
XTE     Cross Track Error
XTK     Cross Track / Cross Track Error / Cross Track Distance
XTRK    Cross-track
X/WIND  Crosswind

Y       Yellow
Y/D     Yaw Damper

Z       Zulu Time
ZFCG    Zero Fuel Center of Gravity
ZFW     Zero Fuel Weight
ZFWCG   Zero Fuel Weight Center of Gravity



VNAV	Vertical Navigation( Guidance, LORAN )
VHF	Very High Frequency
Va      Design Maneuvering Speed
Vb      Design speed for maximum gust intensity
Vc      Design cruising speed
Vd      Design diving speed
Vdf/Mdf Demonstrated flight diving speed
Vf      Design flap speed
Vfc/Mfc Maximum speed for stability characteristics
Vfe     Maximum flaps extended speed
Vh      Maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power
Vle     Maximum landing gear extended speed
Vlo     Maximum landing gear operating speed
Vlof    Lift-off speed
Vmax    Maximum speed
Vmbe    Maximum brake energy speed
Vmc     Minimum control speed
Vmca    Minimum control speed airborne
Vmcg    Minimum control speed ground
Vmin    Minimum speed
Vmo Mmo Maximum operating limit speed
Vmu     Minimum unstick speed
Vne     Never exceed speed
Vno     Maximum structural cruising speed
Vr      Rotation speed
Vref    Reference Speed
Vs      Stalling speed
Vso     Stalling speed in the landing configuration
Vs1     Stalling speed in a specified configuration
Vtd     Touchdown indicated airspeed
Vtoss   Takeoff safety speed for Category A rotocraft
Vx      Speed for best angle of climb
Vy      Speed for best rate of climb
V1      Takeoff decision speed
V2      Takeoff safety speed
V2min   Minimum takeoff safety speed


This page last updated 04/19/2000.