This section will give you the news about all the movies (plus a little more) that I have in the making and what order to expect them. I will most likely update this page more than anything else, but if I keep updating the site instead of my movies, I will be wrong. Anything here does not count as updating the site.

Movies that I've started

Sonic Music Video

Progress: 50 seconds out of 2 minutes completed. 42% done. Expected date of completion: August XX, 2005.

Mac n' Cheese Episode 1

Progress: Menu and intro completed. 1% or 2% done. Expected date of completion: Late December, 2005 or later.

Samus vs. Megaman

Progress: Nowhere. 0.5% done. Expected date of completion: 2006.

Sonic Stories 1

Progress: Intro started. 0.5% done. Expected date of completion: Several months after Samus vs. Megaman.

Sonic vs. Megaman Game

Progress: Nowhere. 0% done. No idea when it will be completed.

Movies (and games) that I won't make for a long time

Sonic Stories 2+3

Mac n' Cheese Episodes 2+3

Sonic vs. Megaman Game 2

Bit_Master's Metroid Blooper Reel

Sonic Final Story Saga

About Bit_Master himself (written 7/9/05)

I was just a simple guy trying to find a good hobby when I had to do a career project for school. We went to this weird site and found our strong points. Mine was in art and creativity n' junk, so I decided to do something performance related, and made a video with Powerpoint slides for credits and title. I really liked doing the animation in Powerpoint and decided to make Sonic-related "movies" with sprites and what-not. The titles were either Sonic Adventure Minimized Edittion or [Character's name] Adventure X. I actually got pretty good. Thankfully I had the newer version of Powerpoint, so I was able to do more. I couldn't be that good because it only had a 10fps framerate when you animate it yourself with frame-by-frame of anything. Paint had also becone the perfect companion. Then I got sick of the animation there because I was actually making Powerpoint glitch up and never play sounds correctly again... oh well, I could care less, it was free (I think).

That was when I decided to try out flash. My dad got this animation and web design class and got flash and a whole bunch of other Macromedia products with it. I checked out the built-in tutorials and became familiar with the basics and started working. At first, I stuck to sprites and did a crappy job animating them because the swf file was over 5 mb and I hardly put anything into it. So I later got used to drawing in flash and not in Paint and importing it to juice up the filesize and made my first movie with flash-drawn graphics, Mac n' Cheese episode 1. I progressed with my skills as I kept practicing and got used to drawing in flash, so I made a few school projects and then finally started another movie for fun, Sonic Music Video. The reason the drawings there may look better in the old one than in the newer one is that it was all traced. I didn't even draw an eye without tracing it. Now I can draw it all on my own with my graphire3 and I traced the shetches I drew with the line tool instead of ripped images with the line tool.

That's when I finally decided to try and see if my only finished movie that I felt was good would survive being uploaded to Newgrounds (I'm talking about Mac n' Cheese episode 1 {the old one}). Unfortunately, it was blammed .06 points away from surviving. Obviously, it wasn't something to just drop. Now I have skills far beyond what I thought I could achieve. Now I'm working on a newer version and I also have plans for two more episodes afterwards. The old Sonic Adventure X thing is now called Sonic Stories and I will hardly make any sprite movies in my future.