NEWS!!!1!!1!4 The page where things make sense! (sort of)

October 7, 2005

I've got a deviantArt account! It's got most of the artwork here, only some is editted. You can also view my favorites. Besides that, since I'm doing Sonic Frontier Legacy, which is taking forever to do, I'll be getting drawing practice for a sequal. Sonic Tribute Collab 2! The Sonic Animation BBS is there to see stuff, but it'll have spoilers, so if you want to be surprised, don't go there. Since we're going to do that, I want to limit my drawing of Sonic characters, so I'll be halting Sonic Music Video's progress again to work on Mac n' Cheese episode 1 (the remake). I think that there will be enough Sonic eye candy animation, so I'll be putting it off for a while. As for Mac n' Cheese episode 1, I've gotten a ton better. No more embarrassing animation now, and the jokes are going to be a ton funnier. Thank you for reading the news. That is all.

September 6, 2005

I'm sorry that Sonic Music Video wasn't done by the time I said. I'll be fixing up the info page soon. Don't expect anything until probably the end of the year. Sonic Frontier legend hasn't seen much progress either, but I do have some good news. I found out that my tablet was only at a portion of it's full functionality and I traced one of my sketches onto flash and created a new wallpaper, and it's shaded in the same way as the Super Sonic drawing in my second part of the Sonic Tribute Collab. Though it took another hour or more to do that, it was worth it for the results that I got. Expect all of my wallpapers made from now on to look like that and if not, better. I also realize that it takes a longer time to load all this text now, so I will be putting up an old news page, and I'll probably do it through flash. Though things are moving slow, I'll be working on both movies steadily again soon enough. I have a summer project to finish and that has to be done before anything else. I'll be hosting the project here since it's a flash movie (sort of).

August 23, 2005

Hooray for us! The group I'm in as finished working on the Sonic Tribute and it's finally uploaded! The bios section that I worked on had trouble uploading, and the person who uploaded it will have to work on fixing it, but it's pretty good still. See the movies section to see it.

August 20, 2005

I just set up the animated minis section, and to my surprise, I don't have that many finished. It's mostly Sonic sprite .gif's that I've made in the past, but it's still good. I'll also be doing a few edits here and there throughout this site gradually improving it. Maybe I can figure out how to get rid of this ugly background and put something new and better in. For now, though, it's alright. I'll be linking the Sonic Collab in the movies section soon, so be ready for something cool to happen. I've also fixed up a quick edit in the Sonic Music Video, so now it looks slightly better. I'll be actually animating it again in the very near future, but for now, I'm sticking to easy stuff until I recover from the Sonic Collab. Sonic Stories 1 has just been restarted (again) and now will look incredibly awesome! See the extras section of Sonic Music Video (last image) to know the basics of the style.

August 17, 2005

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, people... or person B| . Anyway, I not only got a part for the Sonic Collab, but I also got the intro, and now I am completely finished with both parts, and all I have to do is finish the bios section for that collab. You can obviously see that I am very serious with this project. I say there isn't a single reason not to for me. Sonic Music Video will start it's progress again within the next few days, and I have plans to make it turn out really well. In fact, I might be able to finish it by September-ish. Then I can restart the long-awaited (for me, really) Mac n' Cheese episode 1! (the remake). It'll have better graphics, better jokes (hopefully), and better presentation of the old (and proven good) jokes. It will be a combination of the old #'s 1 and 2. I am so glad that I joined the Sonic Collab because my skills have jumped since then. If all goes how I plan, you'll be seeing a lot more movies coming this school year than the entire rest of my flash "career" (I'm only 14). I also updated the artwork section with lost movie art, which will increase in number when I start Mac n' Cheese episode 1 (the remake) over.

July 22, 2005

Just recently, I was accepted into two colaborations! For those who don't know what those are, it's where a bunch of flash authors contribute to the same flash movie to make a really cool group project. I don't know if I'll be able to put the actual movies up here, but I can give the link to Newgrounds when they're uploaded. I was accepted in this Newgrounds 10th Aniversery Presentation and I'm putting daily work into my 3-second part, and the other, which I like a lot more, was a Sonic Tribute Colab which will have, instead of the 10th Aniversery's 100 authors, only 12 authors. This one will be to Open Your Heart, and I have a lot of confidence with it. So for now, I have my work cut out for me, meaning Sonic Music Video is being put on hold so that I don't either hold the others back or get kicked off the list. Don't expect much to the site for a while, I'll be working on two different things under a slight deadline while still trying to make them look good (without destroying my life).

July 21, 2005

After some time now, I have done some minor editing to Bit_Master Studios. The titles are now better, and I have a gif for the back button. I may replace it for a less graphic intensive flash file, but for now, this is what I have. Since it's still morning while I'm typing this, I may be able to create the animated minis section. I also want to make that more organized, but I don't know how yet. As for Sonic Music Video, progress has slowed down a little because of a frame-byframe part of a character I am struggling to draw well. I am still going to try to get farther on that though because Mac n' Cheese episode 1 (not the old) has most of the plans already put out and I am eager to get the new jokes as well as the improved old jokes out. As it says in the info section, expect Sonic Music video in late August.

July 11, 2005

Well, now I have a cool new banner at the front page. In fact, that's what I might do as a way to compact all of my images down to something simplistic. Flash will also be used for the links I think. I may just keep it simple for those who don't have flashplayer. That's what I think I'll do for a while. I'm still sticking to my ideas of a fan-art section. None of that would be for profit (obviously since it'll be for free), but I will want to know how many people actually visit Bit_Master Studios. I may be able to have both a contest and a gallery. To enter the contest, all you'd have to do is enter to the gallery. If it doesn't show up, then either it didn't make it through email, or I am keeping it for judgement and show in the contest, shown for the entire next month in a main page instead of a distant branch to get more recognition. I still have to figure out other details, but it'll be cool (or at least what I say is cool). I'm also spending the rest of today working on the script of Sonic Final Story. It'll be very detailed and whatnot, and I want to try to put in everything that makes a movie good (humor, drama, good writing and grapics, and even some violence). Obviously the violence will stick to what you see on Sonic X (bruises and scratches, but no real blood and gore). Anyone who hates Sonic or movies without a lot of mindless violence need to learn to lighten up a bit and deal with it. Not everything good has to follow your stupid opinionated restrictions. I want my movies to be viewable by the largest audience possible, so I'm not going to limit who can watch if I can help it.

July 10, 2005

Woohoo! I just added both Mac n' Cheese episode 2 and the old sketches! Sonic Music Video is coming out pretty smoothly, and I'll be working on it for almost all of a day this week. The cost will be giving a day up for summer homework, but It'll be worth it. Besides an animated minis section, I also have plans for a fan art section where you guys draw whatever and I'll put it up if it allows. If I notice one person submitting a lot of art, good or not, not all will get in. I want to save most of the space for movies and junk. Even more rewarding to those that make it, I can put up a monthly contest where the winner's picture goes on the front page while the 10 runner-ups are in the fan art page. The fan art could be of any video game characters or any characters that one of the Bit_Master Studios staff members created. All of it will be presented as an equal to any of my artwork, so I won't add more or less security to it all. Two important things: only mild violence (if any), language or other adult content, and I can't afford to give out prizes of any value, but I can give certificates to the winners and runner-ups. The winners will have their work last forever (hopefully) in the hall of fame. I may make it all into a flash folder to keep the size lower, but that's not a big deal. I will post instructions and other details if that is possible.

In conclusion, I may make a fan art contest section, but I want to keep it G or PG rated, so that we don't have to worry about giving bad influence to the younger audience that may visit this site. Also expect an animated minis page to be uploaded in the near future as well. Finally, within the next week or so, I will upload my next installment to Sonic Music Video, so long as I'm able to work on it as steadily I am now.

July 9, 2005

I just added more info to the info page and I will upload my other sketches that I've mentioned before. I also might upload the old unfinished version of Mac n' Cheese episode 2. Yes, there is a 2, and was supposed to be a 3, but I'm compacting 1+2 into one movie for the newer one. The only thing that will and has been done to my old movies is that I stream them so they play right on this site. Trust me, it's worth it. Also, have you noticed that I changed the format of the news page? If you haven't, then you haven't known this site since it's first creation. But that's okay, you're visiting it now, that's all that matters.

July 8, 2005

Not much has been done (except for homework and my movie), but I have fixed up the sketches in the artwork section. I reduced the filesizes and now the Super Sonic sketch is turned upright, and not sideways. Also, my friend Game Master J is now part of the Bit_Master Studios staff. Now there are two major staff members, plus my dad who showed me how to work web-page contraption. Be on the look out for both more sketches (the ones I made over a year ago) and an Animation Minis section on the main page. I'm not telling you what they're about, you'll have to find out or yourself when they are uploaded!

July 5, 2005

I'm back! I'm bettin' that no one missed me, but I can make a big deal out of it anyway! As for updates to the site today, they'll ony be minor if anything, so dont expect much for a while. I think I'm going to put some work into one of my already started movies, maybe not Sonic Music Video, but just cause it feels horrible to have nothing done right, I'll probably work on that, anyway. I also want to be suspenseful, so I won't upload my latest update to Sonic Music Video for a couple weeks (or less). Don't expect much for while, I think I finally slowed down on the site creating.

June 30, 2005

I guess you all noticed the new background image. I hope to figure out a better one in the future, but this will suffice. I'm also figuring that the background would make the movies more graphic intensive, so I didn't add it to each individual movie, just the main pages. Usually I type the news in the evening, but I have to go on vacation tomorrow until Tuesday, so there also won't be updates until then. I'm betting that only a total of one or two people who use the net visit this site anyway, so I don't think anyone cares. Besides this, all that I will be working on today is Sonic Music Video. I think that as long as I work on that, I will be able to update some part of this site. Be sure to check back frequently for updates!

June 29, 2005

I managed to get a little further in Sonic Music Video, and I also added the little link pictures. If the Newgrounds image works for you, then it's just my server. If it's broken, then my explanation is that I don't know what's up with it. All of the image links look correct, but I can't see what the problem is. It may end up being something stupid that looks correct, but isn't. I also have an info page that I am so far only using for movie progress, but I will add more to it in the future. I also gave it some thought, and I decided that I won't add music to the site, since my taste in music is hated by just about everyone I know. In probably a couple of weeks, I'll be putting up a comments page where you can send me all of your opinions, good and bad, and I will keep them in thought when updating my site. The only problem I have is that I am going to need the right script to make it work, so that's why I say it will take a while. Please, visit the "co-sites" because I know I have tons of times and they are probably much better than here anyway. I could be wrong, but I don't care if I am. More updates and news are sure to come soon!

June 28, 2005

Yay! I managed to make the other two pages! The artwork section also includes my scanned sketches. I have more stored somewhere in my room, so I'll probably scan them and upload them here. Besides that and working on my Sonic Music Video, I'm going to be working on a background image for the site. I want it to look good, so I'm not rushing it. Also, I'll be adding little ad-links to several sites that either I contributed to, contributed to this site, or are created by one of my friends. These will be located at the bottom of the main index page of Bit_Master Studios. So far, besides Newgrounds, the only other site I can give is Game Master J's site. I have to go work on other things now, like my school summer projects (or something more fun, like my movie). Hopefully Bit_Master Studios will grow to be successful.

June 27, 2005

Now I have the wallpaper page up and running pretty smoothly. I can now easily update it whenever I feel like. I'm still working out the kinks in everything else, so you guys will have to wait. Besides, by the time you finally find out about this site, it'll probably have been fixed ages ago. Anyway, I'm now tackling the artwork and movie pages. Please understand that I also make movies, duh, so I will be slower in progress, but a lot more will be done. See yesterday's update to see my temporary movie resource. Hopefully I will be able to make the movies run correctly off of this server. It should't be too hard.

June 26, 2005

I have just created my very own site within the family website (which explains the outrageously huge url). I have so much freedom here, it feels great... only I don't know how to do anything but put up text and files right now. I never was good with this, it's like actionscript in flash, a foreign language with no translators. I'll figure it out eventually, though. On the part towards my movies section, I'm having trouble with making everything work, so it may end up being empty. If that's the case, you can view my Newgrounds profile for any finished movies that I uploaded to Newgrounds that survived the people's votes. Please feel free to explore this site, time really hasn't been spent on the site itself, but it has been spent on the material. I will work on making this look better in the future.