A Simple Set of Oral Exam Questions and  Terms Used Here In

What personal documents and endorsements are you required to have on your possession when you fly solo?

What are your student pilot privileges as listed in FAR part 61 regarding the carriage of passengers or cargo and flying for compensation or hire?

What is the minimum visibility required for a student pilot?

May a student pilot fly above clouds without visual reference to the surface? May a private pilot do this?

Do you have to do a preflight inspection according to 91.103?

What preflight requirements do you have according to part 91?

When must the occupants of the aircraft (pilot and passengers) wear seat belts?

What is the required VFR day fuel reserve, and on what power setting is this based?

What are the aircraft certificate requirements?

Who has the right of way under the following scenarios? a. Two aircraft are on final approach to land at the same time. b. You are overtaking another aircraft. c. Another aircraft is converging from the right.

What is the appropriate course of action if you are flying a head-on collision course with another aircraft?

Except when necessary for takeoffs and landings, what are the minimum altitudes when flying over a populated area and unpopulated areas?

For flights at altitudes more than 3,000 AGL, what are the appropriate cruising altitudes as they apply to VFR aircraft (called hemispherical rule)?

List the minimum equipment necessary for day VFR in your aircraft as specified in FAR 91 subpart C.

Define the following V-speeds and list the associated speeds for your aircraft (HINT: FAR part 1): Vso Vs1 Vx Vy Vfe Va Vno Vne Cruise Climb

How would you detect carburetor ice and when can it form?

How does the carburetor heat system remove carburetor ice?

What is the best glide speed?

There are several different kinds of fuel which can be used in aviation. List all of them and indicate which one(s) can be used in your airplane.

Can you use automotive fuel in your airplane? If so, what is the name of the documentation that must be aboard the airplane at all times to allow us to do this and what is the minimum octane rating which you can use?

Based on the current weather conditions, figure the takeoff distance for your airplane. Why is this figure probably not all that accurate?

What is wake turbulence and why is it important to know about it?

While in the traffic pattern on the downwind leg, you notice a large aircraft just lifting off the runway. Your action in this situation should be:
Touchdown before the aircraft's liftoff point. Lower the flaps to the maximum setting and touchdown on the upwind side of the runway. Touchdown after the aircraft's liftoff point. Touchdown with a reduced flap setting to allow a faster ground speed upon touchdown

How much does fuel weigh?

What effect does a reduction of weight have on maneuvering speed?

What instruments form the pitot-static system?

What instruments contain gyros that are driven by engine suction ?

How does the engine create the suction necessary to operate the vacuum-gyro instruments?

What instrument contains an electrically-driven gyro?

What are the errors associated with the use of the magnetic compass?

About how often should the directional gyro be reset while in flight?

What is the danger of stalling an airplane in uncoordinated flight?

What is meant by controlled airspace?

As a student pilot, are there any special requirements to fly to the primary airport in a class B airspace?

As a student pilot, may you simply fly into Class B airspace for training purposes while flying solo?

At what altitude does Class A airspace start, and what do you need to enter it?

On a sectional chart, what color rings identify the lateral limits of a Class C airspace?

What is the airspace depicted by a dashed blue line on a sectional chart?

What are three good reasons of going to a cruise climb attitude after reaching at least 500 AGL?

How do you enter the traffic pattern at an uncontrolled airport?

Are any radio calls required in the traffic pattern at an uncontrolled airport?

If you intend to fly over the traffic pattern at any airport, you should be at least:
500 feet above pattern altitude. 1000 feet above pattern altitude. 600 feet above pattern altitude. 250 feet above pattern altitude

What is the standard direction of flow of traffic in a traffic pattern?

If you wanted to know information about an airport, such as the frequency for activating the pilot-controlled lighting, in what publications would you look?

How can you determine from the air if a runway is closed?

If you receive instructions from ATC that would compromise safety or cause you to violate a FAR, what would you do?

What valuable service can a radar facility (approach control) provide for you

List the ATC light gun signals.

Here are the answers starting at the the top of the page.


This page last updated 04/19/2000.